audit fee

英 [ˈɔːdɪt fiː] 美 [ˈɔːdɪt fiː]




  1. Regulated Changes in Audit Fee Disclosure and Improvement of Audit Environment: Evidence from China's Auditing Market
  2. The results show that the difference in audit fees between companies decreased after the policy was implemented, and that an unreasonably low audit fee damages audit quality.
  3. So, from the analysis of the article, we can see that the audit fee is mainly reflecting the actual cost of the auditor and some underlying risk like auditing risk is not included in the audit fee.
  4. Researched on audit fee, especially based on China's system background, became the popular issue of auditing theory.
  5. However, there are still some problems existing in charging audit fee, so some effective measures should be adopted to promote the CPA audit fee pattern more and more perfect.
  6. An Empirical Study at the Correlation between Audit Fee and Audit Opinion of Annual Report of Listed Companies
  7. The certified public accountant carries on auditing according to the operation norms and audit expenses standards strictly, and enables audit time, audit fee and audit report type not to satisfy the demands of consumers so that the CPA is rejected to continue auditing for the corporation.
  8. This paper discusses the ratio of audit fee to asset size and related variables based on the 2004 'annual reports about 120 listed companies in Chinese A-share market with the method of regression analysis.
  9. The formation of auditor reputation needs special cooperation between spontaneous mechanism and compulsory mechanism. Important measures of establishing and safeguarding auditor reputation include relating audit fee with auditor reputation, building and perfecting civil compensation mechanism, and strengthening audit regulation.
  10. The Effect of Self-selection System on Audit Fee: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies
  11. Empirical Analysis of the Audit Fee of Chinese Listed Companies
  12. A Research on Model about the Ratio of Audit Fee to Asset Size for the Stock Market of China
  13. The scale of the listed company's assets is the first big factor affect the audit fee;
  14. Therefore, the study of audit fee is. a very important topic in the audit research.
  15. In 2001 Securities regulatory commission promulgated disclosure the relevant provisions about the audit fee, so it opens the road to the scholars for studying the audit fee.
  16. Audit fee, the important economic connection between customer and certified public accountants, is an important object in auditing research field.
  17. When certified public accountants audit financial report, paying attention to environmental matters, it increases environmental matters judgment and audit procedures, raising the cost of the audit and the audit fee increasing.
  18. It is the purpose of this paper to analyze the direct affection of audit firm mergers to audit fee and audit quality.
  19. The purpose of the empirical study in this chapter is to explore the Influence of audit tenure on audit fee, with a view to provide some empirical evidence on the regular rotation of accounting firms.
  20. In recent years, the "Big four" has become synonymous with the brand name of accounting firms, its strong capital, perfect management mechanism and its world. renowned brand reputation makes it obtain the audit fee premium.
  21. And whether the listed company purchases the auditing opinions, it is reflected audit fee finally.
  22. Third, we build the financial crisis ( ST) and total return on assets ( ROA) prediction model of the distressed clients under abnormal audit fee that is the non-financial indicator, and include some indicators associated with financial distress.
  23. Describes the concept of the audit pricing and the model of the audit fee, describe the concept of the internal control and the evaluation method, describe the basic theory include Signal Transmission Theory, Insurance Theory, Cost Benefit Analysis, Audit Risk Theory.
  24. The research of audit fee is a very important item in auditing research fields.
  25. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: ( 1) there is a positive relation between financial risk of listed companies and audit fee. which means risk-oriented audit model has a certain impact on audit pricing.
  26. This thesis examined the Chinese stock market reaction to audit failure, and from two angle points of audit fee and audit failure to examine the long term economic results of audit failure.
  27. In the empirical part, the author uses two main models to test. The first model is the normal audit fee estimation model, abnormal audit fees is the result actually paid audit fees by the company minus the normal audit fee.
  28. With the completion of the Reorganization of Certified Public Accountants, regulation of accounting firms are increasingly standardized. Audit services went to a growing market, the relevant regulatory authorities in response to the audit fee to make a market standard pricing guide.
  29. Many scholars has done enormous work effectively on the relation between audit tenure and audit fee and achieved fruitful results at home and abroad.
  30. At the same time, we introduce audit hours data to provide new evidence of the measure "risk premium" in audit fee.